I know, I know, it's been ages since the last post and I've been terrible at keeping track of time. There's just so many things that I WANT DONE, and time is the one thing that we cannot keep, stop or extend, so I had to prioritize.
Actually, a decision has already been made a few months ago to consolidate our online writing efforts and most of you have been personally informed about that decision and to expect an invitation to move to Parenting Journey and follow us in Hubpages (as Mama Sez and Papa Sez) and Island Travel. The plan was to delete Daily Happiness Tips, WannaBeHappyNow, Daily Laughs, Happy Quotes Happy Images and Fatherhood Adventures. Late last year, our analysis points to the need to also focus on our strengths as professionals and so Insect Experts was launched.
But I am failing in some parts of the execution of that decision. It's really difficult to just delete what we've created (especially those that have also gathered some momentum and following). I am particularly attached to this blog as it was my very first attempt at online writing, so there's sentimental issues involved (naks!).
In this busy new year, Plan B has been cooked up to execute the decision to consolidate and focus. As it involves investments in time and money, it's been relegated to the back burner again.
Now, I should not promise when it's gonna happen but it must happen or we'll be constantly spread thinly without much success.
Therefore, my friends just hang on and bear with me for a little while longer. For the meantime, more blogging is happening in these sites:
By the way, you might have noticed the change in template of this blog. It's part of the baby steps towards consolidation and focus of our blogging efforts.

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